Advice from an Australian Locum Radiotherapist

Luke Corley started his career as a Radiation Therapist in Brisbane, Australia, before heading to the UK to work as a Locum Radiotherapist with Globe Locums. After a few more years working in healthcare, Luke decided to move to the UK full time, supporting Globe Locums’ stance as a UK recruitment agency which is ‘Run by Clinicians for Clinicians’. He is now working in recruitment for our AHP team and is especially able to look after Aussie clinicians wishing to work, travel and see the world. See below for Luke’s advice on how to make the most of being a Locum in the UK.
Challenges many Australians and New Zealanders face when working in the NHS and the UK
The NHS is the UK’s largest employer, providing over 1.5 million people across the UK with extensive career opportunities. This includes a number of locum jobs including locum radiotherapists and a wide range of other medical professions. If you’re aiming for a job as a radiation therapist abroad, the NHS is a great place to start looking.
There is always a need for people to enter the NHS for work, provided you can handle the pressure of treating patients to high standards with the latest techniques and equipment. Thankfully, the training received in Australia or New Zealand is well regarded, so you should be able to settle into your role with no issues.
Best places to work outside of London and why many overseas locums should consider this advice
Although London is certainly a brilliant place to live and work, the UK has a lot to offer outside of the capital. There are entirely different cultures to experience outside of London in places like Manchester, Oxford, Wales, Scotland and the North of England. These areas are also much cheaper to live in than London, so it can be well worth the experience to look for locum jobs further afield than London.
From my direct experience working as a locum radiotherapist, I recommend starting your Locum career in one of these locations before getting caught up in the busy London lifestyle.
How to get the best locum rates
As of 2020, the NHS has updated the pay caps for locum work. Locum rates in the NHS typically range from £20-50 per hour, depending on experience, specialism and location. There are other private organisations in the UK that may offer slightly higher rates than this. So it can be worthwhile expanding your search for work to include private organisations in the more remote areas across the UK, as they often struggle to recruit staff and may be willing to pay above capped rates.
It is best to speak with a specialist healthcare recruitment, such as Globe Locums, who can give you an idea of pay rates for your band, specialism and desired location.
How to be an indispensable locum
There are many benefits associated with locum work that goes beyond the higher pay rates and flexible working patterns. You’re above the internal department politics, which is a relief and a welcome change to work-life back home. You can focus on the shift and the work that you do without getting bogged down by office politics - allowing you to work better with less stress.
It may sound obvious, but staff who are outside of internal office politics are a welcome addition for managers because they can rely on them to work effectively with little oversight or supervision. If you can show your worth to employers in this regard, then managers will always be happy to have you back in their department.
What would you do differently if you could do it all again?
If there was one thing that I could change about my experience, it would be to explore and experience more cities around the UK outside of London. It’s all too easy to get caught up in a busy life in London, but the UK as a whole has so much to offer. So, my advice for any locum is to take advantage of the time off and explore all of the cities that the UK has to offer.
If you would like to have a discussion with Luke about locum job opportunities or any further tips about locuming during your working holiday, please email Luke directly.

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