How to Ace a Virtual Interview

5 September  •  Graduates
How to Ace a Virtual Interview

Technology has completely transformed how companies handle the recruitment process, with more recruitment companies than ever opting for virtual interviews to meet and screen candidates. Instead of interviewing candidates in person, these interviews allow recruiters to assess the strength of potential hires through online video services such as. For candidates, this can be a completely new environment in terms of a professional setting, which is why it helps to go into these interviews prepared. In this article, we’ll show you how to ace a virtual interview by offering a variety of tips and guidance that will arm you with confidence before the big day.

Understand the Technology

One of the first hurdles you’ll want to overcome when preparing for a virtual interview is being comfortable with the technology. Whether you’re interviewing for a graduate recruitment role or in another industry, virtual interviews will require a device that’s connected to the internet and specific software.

Choosing the Right Platform

Familiarise yourself with the technology used for the interview. Most UK companies use video conferencing software like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, or Skype. Ensure you download any required software in advance and understand its basic functionalities such as how to mute/unmute your microphone and turn on/off your camera.

Test Your Equipment

Test the full set-up; your computer, webcam, microphone and/ or headphones a few days before the interview to avoid technical glitches. Make sure that your internet connection is stable and where possible, consider using a wired connection to minimise the chance of connectivity issues during the interview. By testing all of this ahead of time, you’ll also be more confident during the interview because there shouldn’t be any unexpected issues.

Set Up Your Environment

Creating a quiet, comfortable environment for your virtual interview is another great way to boost your confidence and comfort levels. Choose a quiet, well-lit room where you won’t be disturbed during the interview. Inform your housemates or family about your interview to prevent unexpected noise or interruptions.

Background and Lighting

Pay attention to what’s behind you; a neutral background is best. Position your lighting source in front of you to brighten your face, making you look clear on camera. Natural light is preferable, but if that’s not possible, use a soft lamp.

Dress for Success

Dress professionally, just as you would for an in-person interview. Opt for attire that is suitable for the role and looks neat on camera. Avoid overly bright colours and busy patterns that can be distracting on video. Try to wear something that makes you feel good and look good, as this will make you feel more prepared for the interview process.


Looking good for the interview means more than just a fresh outfit. Take the time to groom yourself as it boosts your confidence and portrays a professional image. Remember, the interviewer will notice even small details via video.

Prepare Thoroughly

Understanding the company’s culture, values and recent news can help tailor your answers and show genuine interest in the position. Take the time to inspect useful resources like the company’s website, recent press releases, and relevant news articles.

Practice Common Interview Questions

Prepare and practice responses to common interview questions such as “Tell me about yourself,” “What are your strengths and weaknesses?” or “Why do you want to work here?” Use the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) technique to structure your answers concisely and effectively.

Prepare Questions to Ask

Demonstrate your interest and knowledge about the company by preparing thoughtful questions to ask at the end of the interview. Questions could focus on the company’s growth, culture, or specific upcoming projects or industry trends. You can also tie these questions into the role you’re applying for by asking about potential routes for career progression or what you should expect from an average day on the job.

Mind Your Body Language

Although virtual interviews aren’t in person, body language and other non-verbal signs are still important. So make sure you maintain eye contact naturally by looking directly at the webcam, not the screen. This simulates direct eye contact with the interviewer and helps establish a connection.

Posture and Gestures

Sit up straight and lean slightly forward to show engagement. Use hand gestures moderately as excessive movement can be magnified on camera. This helps to add a layer of non-verbal communication to your interaction with the interviewer, which can help build rapport more quickly.

Manage the Interview Process

Preparedness is key for virtual interviews, so make sure you have everything ready to go before the interview begins. Log into the interview platform about 10 minutes early to address any last-minute technical issues and to calm your nerves.

Communicate Clearly

Speak clearly and at a moderate pace. Ensure your microphone picks up your voice well and adjust your volume accordingly. Pause after the interviewer asks a question to make sure they have finished speaking.

Handle Glitches Gracefully

If technical issues arise, remain calm and polite. Have a backup plan such as a phone number to call. Showing how you handle stress and unexpected situations can actually impress an interviewer, so don’t worry too much if something goes wrong during the interview. Instead, have a plan ready in case issues develop.

Follow Up

Within 24 hours of the interview, send a personalised thank you email to the interviewer. Reiterate your enthusiasm for the role and highlight why you are a good fit based on the interview discussion.

Request Feedback

If you are unsuccessful, politely ask for feedback. This is a good way to demonstrate your professionalism while also providing valuable insights for future interviews. What’s more, if you leave a good impression on the recruiter, there’s a chance they may think of you if a new role opens up in the near future.

Follow These Tips to Ace Your Virtual Interview

By preparing for each aspect of your virtual interview and knowing what to expect, you significantly increase your chances of success. Remember, the key is to replicate the professionalism and preparedness of an in-person interview, while also mastering the nuances of virtual communication. With the right preparation and mindset, you can excel in your virtual interview and move one step closer to securing your desired job. If you’re interested in working in recruitment but haven’t found the right role yet, then why not consider a career with Globe Locums? We have a fantastic graduate scheme that gives you a chance to develop in the thriving recruitment industry with our support. To find out more, take a look at our latest vacancies or get in touch with the team at Globe Locums today.

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