Locum Sonography Careers Toolkit – The Definitive Guide To Working As an Agency Sonographer
Sonography is an innovative area of healthcare that uses ultrasonic waves to look inside the body. Sonographers are employed to conduct ultrasound imagery on patients to help with the diagnosis of a huge range of conditions and medical issues. It is a thriving part of healthcare that is improving at a rapid pace thanks to cutting-edge technology.
For sonographers looking to get more out of their career, then working as an agency sonographer can yield significant benefits. So, in this article, we will provide a definitive guide to working as an agency sonographer to give you a better idea about this unique working arrangement.
What is Agency work?
Locum work is an increasingly popular working arrangement that allows you to take on temporary assignments. As a locum sonographer, you will be able to work across a wide range of clinical environments in a way that suits you. There are several advantages to choosing locum work in sonography over traditional permanently contracted roles. These benefits include...