Top 5 things to list on your CV if you’re a locum

1. It’s all about attitude
Many applicants tend to list trained skills and job experience at the top of his or her CV. That’s perfectly acceptable in a normal job market; however, this market is different than most in one major way. You will likely be surrounded by new places and unfamiliar faces, so it’s important that you emphasise your can-do attitude and ability to be flexible. Mention that you’re eager and willing to learn and that you are quick to gain a friendly repertoire with your coworkers. These qualities will often take your application much further than a bullet point list of skills might.
2. List your unique attributes
This section of your CV allows for you to specify what makes you the best possible candidate. Perhaps that is fluency in French, training in interpersonal communication, certifications for specific skills, etc. Use this as an opportunity to display what you can offer that other candidates cannot.
3. Highlight awards
Many people forget or opt not to include awards in a CV; however, awards are literal representations of exemplary skills or accomplishments. It doesn’t matter how niche the award is, it’s a proven record of your ability to work in an outstanding way.
4. Don’t include irrelevant personal information
As tempting as it may be to provide a potential employer with a description of who you are outside of work, the CV is not the place to do so. CV’s need to be concise to get noticed, so adding extra information will only increase your chance of ending up on a reject pile. If you feel it is important to let your potential employer know about certain aspects (e.g. if you have children who will be moving with you), you can tell them during the interview. If you are offered the position, you will have more than enough time to socialise and share your passions with your coworkers.
5. Your ambition
While it’s crucial that your CV is short and concise, there’s no reason you cannot add in hints about where you see your career going. Your CV reflects the areas you have explored up until this point. If you are applying for a job that will inform your skills and enhance your career (or even change its course slightly) there’s no reason you cannot include a few sentences on this. Your future employer wants to know you see value in the role you’re applying for, so ensure this is highlighted.