Top Tips for Health Professionals Working in Glasgow

With a population just shy of 600 thousand, Glasgow is the largest city in Scotland. And what a diverse and fascinating city it is! Its history dates back to the 6th Century, much of which can still be viewed and appreciated today. But as well as offering a wealth of culture, entertainment and good food, it also gives healthcare locums an opportunity to experience unique and often challenging health issues.
As a health professional who wants to make a difference, Glasgow offers you the professional experience of a lifetime. What’s more, the city has such a wide range of health services to meet its population needs, you are bound to find the right job for you. Here are our tips on working as a locum in Glasgow.
1. Celebrate Multiculturalism
Glasgow features an excellent spread of diverse cultures and ethnicities. And this is only set to continue to rise! Not only does this offer you an opportunity to get to know a multitude of world cuisines, music, languages and cultural activities, but makes your job as a healthcare locum more interesting too. The interaction you have with patients can vary depending on their cultural and religious needs. If this aspect of health provision interests you, then Glasgow is the place for you.
2. Make Use of the International Airport
This might seem like an odd feature to highlight about Glasgow, but having an international airport is a huge benefit. Unlike Edinburgh, you can fly all over the world from Glasgow, saving you a long commute. Getting a little homesick, or fancy expanding your travel experiences? Chances are you’d be able to fly straight out of the city you’re working in for a weekend break here and there.
3. Enhance Your Professional Skills
While it certainly doesn’t seem like something to celebrate, one benefit of working in a healthcare job in Glasgow is you gain access to some unique health challenges. Mental health, for example, is an area requiring significant attention. Suicide rates in Scotland are quite high, and mental health workers are needed in abundance in the most deprived areas of Glasgow. Not only that, drug and alcohol dependence is higher than average in this area, leading to all sorts of physical, mental and emotional health concerns. If your specialty is psychiatric care, rehabilitation or emergency medicine, you may find that Glasgow can help enhance your skillset and give you valuable insight into some complex cases.
4. Save Some Cash!
Good news! It’s cheaper to live in Glasgow than in most other cities across the whole of the UK. The rent prices are reasonable, transport links (and costs) highly convenient, and the cost of a pint is about a pound less than in London, Oxford and Edinburgh. If you’re looking to save some money and avoid high living costs, Glasgow is the cosmopolitan city for you.
Bottom Line
Glasgow offers an abundance of excitement. But it will also give you an opportunity to broaden your professional horizons and explore new and challenging territory.
If you’re up for working in busy and exciting Glasgow, click here to view Locum healthcare jobs you can apply for.